Effortless Salesforce Lead Conversion

Automate, Match, and Convert with Ease

Tired of manual lead conversion in Salesforce? Our automated solution simplifies lead management—saving time, boosting accuracy, and improving visibility. No third-party tools needed.

Key Features

  • Work vs. Personal Email Identification:  Identify leads by email type, prioritizing business clients.

  • Lead Matching: Avoid duplicates and match leads to existing contacts or companies by email domain or name.

  • Support for Contact Movement Across Accounts: As companies grow, change, or reorganize, contacts can move between accounts seamlessly. Our product enables effortless realignment of account hierarchies and ensures that contact data remains accurate during these transitions.

  • Account Transition Support: Seamlessly manage contact moves across accounts.

  • Auto-Convert Leads: Define criteria, and let our tool handle the rest.

  • Lead Status Transfer: Retain lead status for complete visibility during conversion.

  • Bulk Processing: Update and convert leads in large volumes with ease.


  • Automated Conversion: Reduce manual work, speed up sales.

  • Error Reduction: Prevent data mishaps with uniform automation.

  • Enhanced Visibility: Real-time pipeline view with properly converted data.

  • Better Lead Qualification: Score and assign contacts efficiently.

  • Scalable Solution: Easily manage growth while focusing on closing deals.

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Key Features

  • Personal vs. Work Email Differentiation: Using a comprehensive list of over 4,000 personal email domains, our product identifies whether a Lead or Contact is using a work or personal email address. This distinction ensures cleaner, more relevant data, making it easier to prioritize corporate clients over casual inquiries.

  • Lead Matching to Existing Contacts or Companies:

    • Exact email match between Leads and existing Contacts ensures duplicate-free data and smooth transitions.

    • Leads are intelligently matched to the correct Company either by their email domain or an exact name match—perfect for businesses with multiple domains (e.g. example.com and example.co.uk)

  • Support for Contact Movement Across Accounts: As companies grow, change, or reorganize, contacts can move between accounts seamlessly. Our product enables effortless realignment of account hierarchies and ensures that contact data remains accurate during these transitions.

  • Auto-Convert Leads with Custom Criteria: Define your own criteria for lead conversion and let our solution do the heavy lifting. When leads match your set conditions (e.g., email domain match), they’re automatically converted to contacts, saving you time and eliminating manual effort.

  • Lead Status Carry-Over: Don’t lose critical information during conversion. Lead statuses will automatically transfer to the newly created contact, ensuring your sales teams retain visibility into each stage of the customer’s journey.

  • Bulk Processing: Scan and update large volumes of existing leads, ensuring all records are evaluated for personal emails and matched to the right contact/account without breaking a sweat.


  • Streamlined Sales Process: Automatically converting leads to contacts removes manual tasks, accelerates your sales workflow, and ensures consistent and accurate tracking of all potential customers.

  • Reduced Human Error: With automated lead conversion, there’s no more risk of important leads slipping through the cracks due to human oversight. Data is handled uniformly across the board.

  • Enhanced Sales Pipeline Visibility: Get a complete and real-time view of your sales pipeline by ensuring all leads and contacts are properly converted, with their associated accounts clearly defined.

  • Improved Lead Management & Qualification: Converted contacts can be easily scored, segmented, and routed to the appropriate sales team members, enhancing the effectiveness of your sales efforts and speeding up the qualification process.

  • Future-Proof Lead Management: As your organization scales, managing multiple accounts, contact hierarchies, and email domains becomes easier, allowing your team to focus on what truly matters—building relationships and closing deals.